Preparing your child for senior school.
Oakfields prepares pupils extensively, yet supportively, to achieve a place at their first choice Senior School.
We are proud of the solid foundation we give our pupils before they progress to new Senior Schools. Despite being non-selective, our pupils go on to achieve places at some of the best Grammar and Independent Schools in the region, including the offer of scholarships.
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Proud of our children's journey to success.
We take great pride in the success our children in Key Stage 2 obtain, with the majority of our children gaining access to their first choice school. We accurately predict a child’s suitability to a wide range of senior schools and give parents guidance on the schools that will be right for their child. Our close working relationship with many of these schools helps inform our discussion with parents.
From Year 4 upwards, children who intend to apply for local Grammar Schools are offered assistance with selective examinations and interviews.
Grammar School Destinations:
Independent School Destinations: