Admissions Enquiries: 01708 256721

Inspection Reports

Independent Schools Inspectorate March 2022

"Oakfields Preparatory School provides a consistently good education and has some outstanding features; it fulfils its aims well. The curriculum is broad, balanced and well managed in a way that prepares all pupils well for the next stages of their education so that almost all gain entry to their chosen selective schools."

“The pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent in all respects, as is their behaviour. Pupils are very well cared for and safeguarded, and are happy in the school.”

“The school has successfully developed outstanding enrichment of the curriculum as an integral part of pupils’ overall learning experience. Enrichment permeates provision because teachers plan a wide range of imaginative and engaging experiences to bring the curriculum to life.”

“The quality and standards of the early years’ provision are outstanding. A significant feature across the EYFS is the skilful support given to the children by all staff so that they make extremely good progress and are well prepared for the next stage of their education. The majority of the children meet national expectations by the end of the Reception year. Many exceed these expectations and continue to develop their literacy and mathematical skills and knowledge ready for the transition into Year 1.”

“The children relish their time at school and show that they feel secure and happy.”

Private School in Upminster, Essex – Oakfields School

Enquiries :01708 256721